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Studies 1 7 7 Commentary

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1 Corinthians 7 – Principles Regarding Marriage and Singleness A. Answer to a question about sexual relations in marriage. (1-2) Paul enlarges on the principle of purity. Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Christ reproves rash judgment. (1-6) Encouragements to prayer. (7-11) The broad and narrow way. (12-14) Against false prophets. (15-20) To be doers of the word, not hearers only. (21-29) Commentary on Matthew 7:1-6 (Read Matthew 7:1-6) We must judge ourselves, and judge of our own acts, but not make our word a law to everybody. Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them-see James 1:22, which seems a plain allusion to these words; also Luke 11:28, Romans 2:13, 1 John 3:7. I will liken him unto a wise man-a shrewd, prudent, provident man. Which built his house upon a rock-the rock of true discipleship, or genuine subjection to Christ. Bible Study Helps Us Do Life Together By The Navigators in Christian Living, Community, Culture, The Word on February 4, 2019 February 7, 2019 Alice Byram served at the U.S. Navigators headquarters in Colorado Springs for a dozen years and as director of women's ministries.

Capture one pro 6 2 1 intelk download free. (1) In the audience of the people.—Better, in the hearing, or, in the ears, the older sense of 'audience' having become obsolete. Wattagio 1 0 – manage your macbook battery health tips.

He entered into Capernaum.—The sequence of events is the same as that in Matthew 8:5-13; and, as far as it goes, this is an element of evidence against the conclusion that the Sermon on the Mountain and that on the Plain were altogether independent. Looking, however, at the manifest dislocation of facts in one or both of the Gospels, St. Matthew placing between the Sermon on the Mount and the healing of the centurion's servant, the healing of the leper, which St. Luke gives in Luke 5:12-16, the agreement in this instance can hardly be looked at as more than accidental.

Luke 7:1-10. When he had ended all his sayings
Studies 1 7 7 Commentary
— Namely, those contained in the preceding chapter; in the audience of the people — For though his discourse was immediately addressed to his disciples, he delivered it in the hearing of the people who stood round him in the plain; he entered into Capernaum — Near which town the plain was in which he had preached. And a certain centurion's servant was sick — See some of the circumstances of the miracle explained on Matthew 8:5-10. And when he heard of Jesus — Of his miracles and of his arrival at Capernaum; he sent unto him the elders of the Jews — 'Magistratus oppidi, aut præpositos synagogæ, either the magistrates of the town, or the rulers of the synagogue.' — Grotius. For, as it was anciently the custom of the Jews to intrust the management of public affairs to persons advanced in years, as having most wisdom and experience, they called all who discharged those offices elders, even when, in later times, they were admitted to them without any regard to their age at all. It is plain, from the more circumstantial account here given of this miracle by Luke, than that given by Matthew, that when the latter says, There came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, &c., he is not to be understood as signifying that the centurion came in person, but only by his messengers. Indeed, it is usual in all languages, especially in the Hebrew, to ascribe to a person himself the things which are done, and the words which are spoken, by his order. Accordingly, Matthew relates as said by the centurion himself, what others said by order from him. An instance of the same kind we have in the case of Zebedee's children: from Matthew 20:20, we learn it was their mother that spoke those words which, Mark 10:35-37, they themselves are said to speak; because she was only their mouth. In John 4:1, Jesus is said to baptize, when he baptized by his disciples. And John 19:1, Pilate is said to take and scourge Jesus, when he did it only by his soldiers. Thus, in the following Jewish proverbs, adduced by Le Clerc on this passage, 'The messenger of any man is as, or equal to, the man himself. The ambassador of a king is as, or equal to the king.' And nothing is more frequent, even at this day, in our courts of law, than to say that a person comes into the court, and asks a thing, which he asks perhaps only at the third hand, — by the counsel, whom his solicitor has employed in his cause. They besought him instantly, saying, That he was worthy — This centurion seems to have been what they called a proselyte of righteousness; for he was a lover of the Jewish nation, on account of their religion, and therefore had built them a synagogue: which attachment to them, and uncommon generosity, had made him greatly beloved in that country. Hence these elders of Capernaum, where he now resided, heartily espoused his cause on this occasion, presented his petition to Jesus, and urged it also from the consideration of his character. Then Jesus went with them — As he constantly embraced every opportunity of doing good, whether to the bodies or souls of men; so he did not decline this that was now offered him, but cheerfully went with the elders as they desired, in order to heal the centurion's servant. And when he was not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him — In the way, some of the centurion's friends, whom he had sent, met Jesus with a message from him, in which he expressed the highest opinion of our Lord's power, and desired him not to take the trouble of coming, but to order the cure, which he knew he could easily do. When Jesus heard these things he marvelled at him — Admired him, on account of his great humility, and the strength of his faith. See on Matthew 8:5. And turned him about, and said unto the people — With great solemnity; I say unto you

Studies 1 7 7 Commentary David Guzik

— What it is of great importance that you should consider and lay to heart; I have not found so great faith — As now appears in this stranger; no, not in Israel — In all my journeys through the country, and converse with its inhabitants. Observe, reader, Christ will have those that follow him to observe and consider the great examples of faith that are sometimes set before them; especially when any such are found among those who do not profess to follow Christ so closely as they do; in order that, by considering the strength of the faith of such, they may be ashamed of the weakness and wavering of their own. And they, returning, found the servant whole

Studies 1 7 7 Commentary Matthew Henry

— The cure was immediately and perfectly wrought. Observe also, 1st, The kindness of this centurion to his servant, and the anxiety he showed to get him cured, were suitable to the character of a humane master, and exhibit an excellent pattern of duty, very fit to be imitated by Christian masters, with whom it is but too common to treat their servants and dependants as if they were not creatures of the same rank with themselves, but of an inferior order. 2d, Christ will take cognizance of the distressed case of poor servants, and be ready to relieve them; for there is no respect of persons with him. Nor are the Gentiles excluded from the benefit of his grace. Nay, this was a specimen of that much greater faith which would be found among the Gentiles, when the gospel should be preached to them, than among the Jews.7:1-10 Servants should study to endear themselves to their masters. Masters ought to take particular care of their servants when they are sick. We may still, by faithful and fervent prayer, apply to Christ, and ought to do so when sickness is in our families. The building places for religious worship is a good work, and an instance of love to God and his people. Our Lord Jesus was pleased with the centurion's faith; and he never fails to answer the expectations of that faith which honours his power and love. The cure soon wrought and perfect.In the audience of the people - In the hearing of the people. CHAPTER 7

Lu 7:1-10. Centurion's Servant Healed.

(See on [1591]Mt 8:5-13.)Luke 7:1-10 Christ admires the centurion's singular faith, and
healeth his absent servant.
Luke 7:11-17 He raiseth to life the widow's son at Nain,
Luke 7:18-23 and sendeth back the messengers of John with an
account of the miracles they had seen wrought by him.
Luke 7:24-30 His testimony of John.
Luke 7:31-35 He reproveth the perverseness of the people, who were
not to be won either by the manners of John or himself.
Luke 7:36-50 He suffereth his feet to be washed and anointed by a
woman who had been a sinner; and in a parable showeth
that even the worst of sinners may be forgiven upon
the terms of a hearty and sincere repentance.
Ver. 1-10. See Poole on 'Matthew 8:5', and following verses to Matthew 8:13, where we have considered all the differences between Matthew's and Luke's relation of this miracle. We have in it remarkable,
1. The humanity of the centurion to his servant, to teach us Christians to do the like.
2. The profitableness of good works: the centurion's love to the Jews in building them a synagogue gains their applications to Christ for him.
3. The humility of the centurion: he did not think himself worthy to appear in Christ's presence, nor to receive Christ into his house.
4. His faith in Christ's Divine power and goodness. It doth not appear that he believed that Christ was the eternal Son of God, but he did at least believe that he was clothed with a Divine power, or had a Divine power communicated to him from God, by which he was able, at a distance, and by no more than a word, without application of human rational means, to command off the distemper of his servant.
5. The power of faith in God, and its acceptableness to him. Christ doth not only effect the cure, but predicate his faith to be greater than he had found amongst the generality of the Jewish nation, who went for the only people of God at that day, and had much more light, and means to discern that Christ was sent of God for the good of men, than this Roman captain had.

Studies 1 7 7 Commentary Bible Gateway

— Namely, those contained in the preceding chapter; in the audience of the people — For though his discourse was immediately addressed to his disciples, he delivered it in the hearing of the people who stood round him in the plain; he entered into Capernaum — Near which town the plain was in which he had preached. And a certain centurion's servant was sick — See some of the circumstances of the miracle explained on Matthew 8:5-10. And when he heard of Jesus — Of his miracles and of his arrival at Capernaum; he sent unto him the elders of the Jews — 'Magistratus oppidi, aut præpositos synagogæ, either the magistrates of the town, or the rulers of the synagogue.' — Grotius. For, as it was anciently the custom of the Jews to intrust the management of public affairs to persons advanced in years, as having most wisdom and experience, they called all who discharged those offices elders, even when, in later times, they were admitted to them without any regard to their age at all. It is plain, from the more circumstantial account here given of this miracle by Luke, than that given by Matthew, that when the latter says, There came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, &c., he is not to be understood as signifying that the centurion came in person, but only by his messengers. Indeed, it is usual in all languages, especially in the Hebrew, to ascribe to a person himself the things which are done, and the words which are spoken, by his order. Accordingly, Matthew relates as said by the centurion himself, what others said by order from him. An instance of the same kind we have in the case of Zebedee's children: from Matthew 20:20, we learn it was their mother that spoke those words which, Mark 10:35-37, they themselves are said to speak; because she was only their mouth. In John 4:1, Jesus is said to baptize, when he baptized by his disciples. And John 19:1, Pilate is said to take and scourge Jesus, when he did it only by his soldiers. Thus, in the following Jewish proverbs, adduced by Le Clerc on this passage, 'The messenger of any man is as, or equal to, the man himself. The ambassador of a king is as, or equal to the king.' And nothing is more frequent, even at this day, in our courts of law, than to say that a person comes into the court, and asks a thing, which he asks perhaps only at the third hand, — by the counsel, whom his solicitor has employed in his cause. They besought him instantly, saying, That he was worthy — This centurion seems to have been what they called a proselyte of righteousness; for he was a lover of the Jewish nation, on account of their religion, and therefore had built them a synagogue: which attachment to them, and uncommon generosity, had made him greatly beloved in that country. Hence these elders of Capernaum, where he now resided, heartily espoused his cause on this occasion, presented his petition to Jesus, and urged it also from the consideration of his character. Then Jesus went with them — As he constantly embraced every opportunity of doing good, whether to the bodies or souls of men; so he did not decline this that was now offered him, but cheerfully went with the elders as they desired, in order to heal the centurion's servant. And when he was not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him — In the way, some of the centurion's friends, whom he had sent, met Jesus with a message from him, in which he expressed the highest opinion of our Lord's power, and desired him not to take the trouble of coming, but to order the cure, which he knew he could easily do. When Jesus heard these things he marvelled at him — Admired him, on account of his great humility, and the strength of his faith. See on Matthew 8:5. And turned him about, and said unto the people — With great solemnity; I say unto you

Studies 1 7 7 Commentary David Guzik

— What it is of great importance that you should consider and lay to heart; I have not found so great faith — As now appears in this stranger; no, not in Israel — In all my journeys through the country, and converse with its inhabitants. Observe, reader, Christ will have those that follow him to observe and consider the great examples of faith that are sometimes set before them; especially when any such are found among those who do not profess to follow Christ so closely as they do; in order that, by considering the strength of the faith of such, they may be ashamed of the weakness and wavering of their own. And they, returning, found the servant whole

Studies 1 7 7 Commentary Matthew Henry

— The cure was immediately and perfectly wrought. Observe also, 1st, The kindness of this centurion to his servant, and the anxiety he showed to get him cured, were suitable to the character of a humane master, and exhibit an excellent pattern of duty, very fit to be imitated by Christian masters, with whom it is but too common to treat their servants and dependants as if they were not creatures of the same rank with themselves, but of an inferior order. 2d, Christ will take cognizance of the distressed case of poor servants, and be ready to relieve them; for there is no respect of persons with him. Nor are the Gentiles excluded from the benefit of his grace. Nay, this was a specimen of that much greater faith which would be found among the Gentiles, when the gospel should be preached to them, than among the Jews.7:1-10 Servants should study to endear themselves to their masters. Masters ought to take particular care of their servants when they are sick. We may still, by faithful and fervent prayer, apply to Christ, and ought to do so when sickness is in our families. The building places for religious worship is a good work, and an instance of love to God and his people. Our Lord Jesus was pleased with the centurion's faith; and he never fails to answer the expectations of that faith which honours his power and love. The cure soon wrought and perfect.In the audience of the people - In the hearing of the people. CHAPTER 7

Lu 7:1-10. Centurion's Servant Healed.

(See on [1591]Mt 8:5-13.)Luke 7:1-10 Christ admires the centurion's singular faith, and
healeth his absent servant.
Luke 7:11-17 He raiseth to life the widow's son at Nain,
Luke 7:18-23 and sendeth back the messengers of John with an
account of the miracles they had seen wrought by him.
Luke 7:24-30 His testimony of John.
Luke 7:31-35 He reproveth the perverseness of the people, who were
not to be won either by the manners of John or himself.
Luke 7:36-50 He suffereth his feet to be washed and anointed by a
woman who had been a sinner; and in a parable showeth
that even the worst of sinners may be forgiven upon
the terms of a hearty and sincere repentance.
Ver. 1-10. See Poole on 'Matthew 8:5', and following verses to Matthew 8:13, where we have considered all the differences between Matthew's and Luke's relation of this miracle. We have in it remarkable,
1. The humanity of the centurion to his servant, to teach us Christians to do the like.
2. The profitableness of good works: the centurion's love to the Jews in building them a synagogue gains their applications to Christ for him.
3. The humility of the centurion: he did not think himself worthy to appear in Christ's presence, nor to receive Christ into his house.
4. His faith in Christ's Divine power and goodness. It doth not appear that he believed that Christ was the eternal Son of God, but he did at least believe that he was clothed with a Divine power, or had a Divine power communicated to him from God, by which he was able, at a distance, and by no more than a word, without application of human rational means, to command off the distemper of his servant.
5. The power of faith in God, and its acceptableness to him. Christ doth not only effect the cure, but predicate his faith to be greater than he had found amongst the generality of the Jewish nation, who went for the only people of God at that day, and had much more light, and means to discern that Christ was sent of God for the good of men, than this Roman captain had.

Studies 1 7 7 Commentary Bible Gateway

Now when he had ended all his sayings,.. That is, when Jesus, as the Persic version expresses it, had finished all the above sayings, doctrines, and instructions; not all that he had to say, for he said many things after this:

in the audience of the people; of the common people, the multitude besides the disciples; and that openly, and publicly, and with a loud and clear voice, that all might hear:

he entered into Capernaum; Jesus entered, as the Syriac version reads, into his own city, and where he had been before, and wrought miracles.

Now {1} when he had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people, he entered into Capernaum.

(1) Christ admonishes the Jews that for their obstinacy and rebellion he will go to the Gentiles, by setting before them the example of the centurion. Write 1 1 3 – writing and note taking app.

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